The farm is a working sheep farm comprised of 70 ewes and 100 lambs. The flock is shepherded by two special and distinct breeds of dog.
The farmhouse was carefully restored and renovated in 2018 and made an Airbnb for many to enjoy. The farmhouse's history is rich, and every effort has been made to preserve that feel while including modern comforts.
The farmhouse has four bedrooms and two baths, and the kitchen is well-equipped. A unique feature is the Great Room, which was added in the 1960s and provides ample space for family or group gatherings.
The four Livestock Guardian Dogs work in their capacity to protect the flock. They work day and night to watch the flock from the local predators, primarily coyotes, with a few bears and an occasional big cat. The LGDs work in pairs to keep all threats away.
Gracie and Amos are a pair that work together. Gracie was a rescue, and Amos was raised as a puppy on the farm. Eli and Shiloh were both re-homed to us because they needed a working situation. This breed will bond strongly with their flock and live with them night and day through all seasons. They are invaluable to the safety of the flock.
The Border Collies, Violet, Chief, and Mick are essential in maintaining order. They work with the human Shepherdess to move the sheep around when needed, such as treating them for any health needs.
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